Wednesday, December 10, 2008

NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) is over! Does this mean that I'm back mentally....? Ummmm...Can you repeat the question?

I did it, I made it out alive!  If you missed the last few posts here's a brief recap.  My sister Kathryn and I joined 120,000 novelists with the crazy intention of writing 50,000 words in one month.  We completed our goal: Kathryn's novel The Immortal Forest, weighing in at 54,250 words and my novel, Another Place to Fall, weighing in at 108,000 words.  (Apparently, I have a lot to say.  Who knew?)

All right, so that's the recap.  Now here's what you missed:

1 comment:

Sara said...!!!!!!! That's an incredible amount of writing, great job!!!